The subtleties of tattooing Oriental.

Recently, oriental style has become more and more fashionable. High school students watch and draw Japanese anime, middle-aged people download dramas from the Internet every week. It is not surprising that this trend has reached tattoo parlors. And now more and more people prefer tattoo style Oriental, which allows you to emphasize individuality and stand out from the crowd.

The subtleties of tattooing Oriental.

Oriental tattoos are never small. Sometimes such painting takes up the whole body. Tattooing consists of several stages:
• * preparation of a sketch on the body;
* drawing a contour using three or four needles;
* working out the inner part of the drawing with the help of shallow punctures;
* works with large elements;
* elaboration of shades.

The main task is to maintain the clarity of the contours. In Japan and nowadays, bamboo sticks with needles attached to them are used to apply oriental. In other countries, ordinary thin needles are used. Working with tattoo machines is not welcome.

Distinctive features of the Oriental style.

Often oriental motifs cover the entire body, leaving empty only those areas that are in plain sight. Bright and colorful motifs with unexpected color transitions are a characteristic feature of such tattoos, but despite the unexpected color solutions, the tattoo looks harmonious. The main motifs of oriental tattoos are:
1. Flora and Fauna;
2. Marine motifs;
3. National representatives: geisha, samurai, monks, sumo wrestlers;
4. Masks;
5. Buddhist symbolism;
6. Plots and episodes with the travels of fictional characters.

A spectacular and bright oriental tattoo always carries a certain philosophy for its owner and often even changes his fate. Therefore, it is worth carefully reading the meaning of each symbol that you decide to apply to the skin:
1. The Dragon. In the East, a Dragon is a creature personifying wisdom, strength and respect. The appearance combines several images – a snake’s body, demonic gzala and eagle claws. If a glowing sphere is depicted in the dragon’s paws, then this is a symbol of control over the natural elements. It is rare to meet a cunning and dangerous dragon, most often it is portrayed as benevolent and wise.
2. Tiger tattoo in oriental style is a symbol of strength and longevity. The girls on whose body the tiger lives want to emphasize their cunning and femininity. Often a tiger is stuffed, which is desperately fighting evil spirits, which also means protecting the tattoo owner from evil spirits.
3. The snake. In the East, the snake is a revered animal. It brings good luck and prosperity to the owner, protects his house from diseases and disasters. But depending on how exactly the snake is imprinted on the body, it may have a second meaning – a symbol of a jealous woman.
4. Phoenix bird. A symbol of rebirth, immortality of the soul. Those who want to capture a new stage in life most often stuff a Phoenix against the background of fire.
5. Flora. Chrysanthemums, peonies, sakura, lotuses and many other traditional oriental flowers are also reflected in the tattoo culture. Sakura, for example, shows the transience of life, and the lotus — perfection, spiritual growth and loyalty.

Due to its mystery and originality, Eastern culture has long conquered the whole world. Oriental tattoo style has a large army of fans due to the extensive storyline and rich history. Oriental tattoos are a common name for body images associated with Asian countries from Japan and China to India.

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